Erik Vorhes wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 1:29 AM, Alan Gresley<> wrote:
>> The best way is to only hack IE7 or lower since all modern browsers
>> (including IE8) should render a page the same way. I would not recommend
>> hacking your HTML with IE Conditional comments since they are not in one
>> location and thus not easily removed.
> Alan,
> Decentralization of CSS may sometimes pose an issue, but using
> conditional comments for IE isn't actually a hack. It's using a
> proprietary Microsoft extension; every other browser simply treats
> conditional comments as regular comments. The additional benefit of
> conditional comments is that you can use other proprietary Microsoft
> CSS extensions (e.g., "zoom" and various JScript expressions) within
> them without causing your code to invalidate.

Hello Erik,

This is still hacking HTML for IE7 or lower due to lack of support for 
CSS2.1. My CSS and hacks are *centralized* as oppose to being 
*decentralized* in the HTML. They can be removed in a flash.

> I'd actually argue that if your conditional IE 6-7 CSS files are so
> big as to be unmaintainable, it's probably time to revisit how you're
> doing your CSS to begin with.
> Erik

This is how I now serve IE7 or below my special CSS.


My regular CSS,


and IE7 fixes. Yes there were IE8 beta fixes to.


My CSS is never unmaintainable, but rather a bit to nasty for the 
browsers to handle. CSS could be much more simpler with much lest ids' 
and classes' in the HTML code and the use of sibling, structural pseudo 
   and attribute selectors.


These selectors and minimal use of ids' and classes' in the HTML is 
demo'd here.


This demo holds quite well together in IE7. It even looks better in 
IE5/Mac than it does in IE6. I not here to support IE6 or any other 
antiquated browsers. My CSS is hopefully a glimpse into the future.


Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo
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