Yes, because I repaired it somehow... I had a moment of enlightenment ;)
sorry for panicking about this too early. I know that there are some errors
and probably too much unnecessary code... I will try to clean this up. I
should also align the columns to the top of their container (so the
article's title would be aligned to top of the chicken illustration and the
excerpt)... thanks anyway.

2009/7/17 David Laakso <>

> Andzia wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was editing the front page of my website:
>> trying to fit the post info (category, author, date, etc.) into the third
>> column. When I copied the tags from the article to the third column, the
>> third and fourth column dropped down. They are not wider than necessary,
>> so
>> maybe I forgot to close one div? I was checking it in Notepad++ but I
>> haven't found any open div...
>> Here is how they should look like -
>> 1st column - a picture
>> 2nd column - the blog post
>> 3rd column - rss icon, a logo image, and meta data about the post
>> 4th column - excerpt of the post and archives
>> Also, the footer is now above the 3rd and 4th column, but below the first
>> two...
>> Thanks for any ideas!
>> Ania
> I may be missing something, but it looks pretty much the way you describe
> it all my browsers. The exceptions are IE 6/7: the footer/nav is broken. The
> page had a number of markup errors several days ago when I looked at it. And
> it still has errors.  Might be worthwhile to validate...
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