

I have been tasked with revamping the user interface for our company's
flagship application. The layout is pretty standard fare, and I've got
the "frameset" built in CSS, as in the example below. However I have an
issue with the left-hand menu bar. There is a list of links anchored to
the bottom of the screen, and as items in this list are selected, a
context-sensitive menu is displayed above. It's very loosely based on
the Outlook menu bar. Since both menus are dynamic, there are occasions
where the fixed menu overlaps the menu above - and this is where I've
got stuck! I want a scrollbar to appear on the context-sensitive menu
when required, but since I don't know how high the bottom menu will be,
I can't fix the height of the top menu. I've created a mock-up of the
application here:




Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


Ian Jones.

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