> Did you not get the repeated messages where I said that the links
> needed layout?

Yes. :-) 
But Tim, please, you must assume that I'm really REALLY new on CSS. I have
months of CSS. :s What does this mean? Well, I've said why I haven't done
that yet: Because I haven't seen any relation to the issues I was having. 
(I was able to see the navigation links, and I thought that THAT was the
possible issue).

Now that I've read this:

> You do need zoom: 1 (or some other hasLayout trigger) *to give the
> links layout so that they take up the full height and you can see the
> background image*.

I understand that the "not displaying of the background images" were not
related with the not acceptance of the image, or the unsupported property
for some reason, or conflict, or any other thing, now, and only now, I can
understand that, we give zoom to give full height and, this means that, by
giving full height the background images will appear. 
I didn't assume that the images were there, at the bottom, hidden. But, for
you, that was absolutely clear. :)

> > that on my ie_6 only css, however, I get a validation error about
> zoom
> > property.
> That's why I always suggest putting zoom: 1 in an IE stylesheet. IE
> gets what it deserves. The other option is to give the element layout
> using another method.

I don't mind about the validation. I thought that I would get an error on my
*main* css. I was wrong, again. 

> > But the point is to give layout to navigation right? Maybe I could
> > just
> > apply a clear fix on the parent no?
> The point is to give layout to the links! By links I mean <a> elements
> inside #mainMenu.

Clear as water (on other times). I've learned that anchor elements are
inline elements, and that the haslayout fixes, around the web world, may be
directed, or not, to those inline elements. 

Several hours later,
all looks ok on ie6 and fine on ie7 now.





Thanks a lot,

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