On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Theresa Mesa
<trixiesirishe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm going to try this again. I saw some replies this morning but
> hadn't read them yet, and was trying to delete only the emails I'd
> read in the Gmail interface. I was mistaken. I deleted the unread
> replies too. I'm so sorry!
> http://mdh-test.com/PV_web/index.shtml
> http://mdh-test.com/PV_web/pvg.css
> Sample image:
> http://mdh-test.com/compTextWrap.png
> I want it to look like the sample image above, so yes, I want that
> white space on the right. I want half the image to be in the text with
> the text wrapping around it, and the other half of the image hanging
> on the outside into the white space.
> I know there's a bunch of white space on top of the text, but I still
> have to put in navigation and the header, and I'll likely be changing
> the amount of margin on the top.
> I've played with margins, positioning, padding. I am clearly doing
> either something wrong or something that is not possible in CSS in
> conjunction with all the other parts of this site. I'm shooting for
> cross-browser compatibility, but if IE6 won't play, that's okay too.
> An inline image within the text is just fine. IE6 is already not going
> to play with my position:fixed element at the bottom.

I got something to work with just a <p> and <img>.  It's shown at:


All styles are intentionally inline so you can see immediately what
they're attached to.

I will say, I've only tested this in Firefox IE, so I can't say if
Internet Exploder does right with it.
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