Hi Peter,
Thanks, floating left and changing some padding and margins have now
produced the desired effect.
I used an image just because its not a standard font. All the other fonts on
the site are quite bland and the bog standard ones you find on most peoples
computers. Haven't finished doing all the missing alt tags yet. I really
don't want to use verdana or Geneva for the header as well.

So next question:
If i need to align two elements then the way to do it is to float one of
Is there a css equivalent to  for example align="absmiddle" in HTML?



On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Bradley, Peter <pbrad...@uwic.ac.uk> wrote:

> Float it left.  At the moment it's sitting on top of the ul.
> I don't understand why you're using an image.  By doing so you've just
> guaranteed that users with sight problems won't know it's there
> (especially since the alt attribute is blank) and that search engines
> won't index it.  I would have thought that having the name indexed would
> be important to you on a site like this.
> The page looks nice though.
> Cheers
> Peter
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