I'm not certain, but try this. Your HTML code refers to <div 
class="box_clear_float_left">. In your CSS you named the class 
"div.box_clear_float_left {}". Remove the "div" from the CSS code so 
that it reads,

        .box_clear_float_left {
        float: left;
        line-height: 1.2em;
        font-style: italic;
        color: #000000;
        border-color: #000000;
        border-width: 1px;
        border-style: solid;                                                    
        padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
        margin: 0px 3px 20px 0px;
        font-family: "Californian FB", "Times New Roman", serif;
        font-size: 12pt;
        font-weight: normal;
        width: 256px;


Bill B

Scott Brasted wrote:
> Greetings,
> http://www.stpeterswestfield.org/index.php
> http://www.stpeterswestfield.org/css/st_peters.css
> Both the page and the css validate.
> Bottom of the page, two clear (white background) div boxes side by side 
> on the left side of page (one title says TO OUR VISITORS and the other 
> Title is HOMEBOUND OR JUST ...). Float works fine except that when divs 
> are floated, the links in the right hand of the two boxes do not work. 
> Unfloat and voila', they work like a charm. Here is css for the 2 
> classes directly affecting the divs.
>       div.box_clear_float_left {
>       float: left;
>       line-height: 1.2em;
>       font-style: italic;
>       color: #000000;
>       border-color: #000000;
>       border-width: 1px;
>       border-style: solid;                                                    
>       padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
>       margin: 0px 3px 20px 0px;
>       font-family: "Californian FB", "Times New Roman", serif;
>       font-size: 12pt;
>       font-weight: normal;
>       width: 256px;
>       }
>       .sbar_link a:link {
>       text-decoration: none;
>       color: #4b0082;
>       font-weight: bold;
>       }
>       .sbar_link a:visited {
>       text-decoration: none;
>       color: #800080;
>       font-weight: bold;
>       }
>       .sbar_link a:hover {
>       text-decoration: underline;
>       color: #4b0082;
>       border-bottom: none;
>       font-size: 12pt;
>       }
> Here is the html for the div boxes:
> <div class="box_clear_float_left">
>       <div class="sbar_link">
>               <h3>TO OUR VISITORS</h3>
>                       <p>We welcome you to our worship and to our             
> parish life. Please 
> know that whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on your journey 
> in faith there is a place for you here at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.</p>
>                       <p>All baptized persons are invited to receive the 
> sacrament of Holy 
> Communion. If you prefer not to receive communion, we invite you to come 
> to the altar rail, cross your arms on your chest and receive the 
> blessing of God. If you are unfamiliar with the Episcopal worship 
> service, ask someone for help, or merely relax and enjoy the beauty and 
> power of the service by observing what goes on. Come again . . . soon 
> and often.</p>
>                       <p>Please join us in Bailey Hall immediately following 
> the service 
> for food, fellowship and fun.</p>
>       </div> <!--end link-->
> </div> <!-- end box/float -->
> <div class="box_clear_float_left">
>       <div class="sbar_link">
>                       <p>If you were not able to join us this Sunday for 
> Church, you can 
> watch the service on Time Warner Cable - Westfield Channel 21 on 
> Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. (thank you Tom). You can <a 
> ref="../weekly_services/service.php" title="Read This Week's Bulletin"> 
> read this week's service bulletin here</a> or use it to follow along 
> with the service on Public Access. If you, or someone you know, is 
> unable to come to church and would like a clergy visit, please let the
> <a href="mailto:ad...@stpeterswestfield.org"; title="E-Mail your Request 
> to the Church Office"> church office know</a> and the office will 
> schedule a clergy visit and bring communion if you desire.</p>
>       </div> <!--end link-->
> </div> <!-- end box/float -->
> Anyone know why this might be the case?
> Puzzled,

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