2009/12/9 Maslowski, Eric <emasl...@umich.edu>:
> Hello all,
>  I've mostly been silently following the list here and the advice given has 
> helped me in a few instances. So, thanks! What I've run into has completely 
> stumped me and I'm hoping someone here may have seen the problem before or 
> knows a quick workaround/fix. The site I've been working on (at link below) 
> works as expected on FF, IE, and Safari on a Windows system. (Vista & XP) 
> However, when the same pages are viewed on a Mac  (FF & Safari) the 
> alignments are off, there seems to be additional kerning on the text, etc. In 
> short, it's a mess. Everything is fully updated.
> Trying everything from using absolute positioning of my DIVs to specifying 
> every relevant component for my CSS classes I am unable to track this down. 
> Using Firebug everything seems to check out which just adds to the 
> frustration. Validating the HTML and CSS checks out as well. Has anyone else 
> encountered this or could offer some advice? I'm really at a loss here.
> simple page that exhibits problem (clipping at bottom, images are not where 
> they are supposed to be, etc.)
> http://um3d.dc.umich.edu/Temp/newsite/services/visualization/viz_intro_process.html
> The "projects" section has other offset and alignment issues...again, fine on 
> Windows but not on Mac.
> CSS (but it's a bit messy from my haste)
> http://um3d.dc.umich.edu/Temp/newsite/shared/styles/main.css
> Thanks
> Eric

.tab_content_bg {

This cannot work with text. You cannot control the text settings of
the user, you don't know how tall the container has to be. It's a
framed-sort of design you have here.

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