> 0) Should we have both, the big margin and bottom value technique and a
> defined height? Or one will suffice (I will test, is just to have some
> theoretic references)

Do it both ways. Then you may know which way is best for the situation 
you currently face,

> 1)
> So, we apply a min-height to compliant browsers, 
> and we give _height that will be read by IE 6, correct?


> 2)
> Why do we do min-height, and not height? (I will read about both properties
> and try to figured out myself, still, some help figuring out would be nice.
> :) 

Apply the fix to the layout. Test the page at text-size "largest" in IE; 
and at +1 and +2 font-scaling in a compliant browser. This will answer 
your question.

> 3)
> If we can do this, on what circumstances should we use the "equal height
> techniques" instead ?

After you've done a hundred or so layouts you may know under exactly 
what set of specific circumstances which is best and why. Or, you may 
not know that.

> (I would like to properly understand where should we use one, and where
> should we use another.)

Try both of them. Preferably with stress testing (font-scaling). This 
will enable you to decide where you should use one or the other in the 
specific situation such as the one at hand. Maybe.

I think in general that there are relatively few definitive answers that 
will work in every conceivable situation that arises in any given 
layout. There is a long and steep learning curve. With knowledge of the 
specs, time, experience, and practice,  knowing what works when and 
where becomes a little easier.

> Márcio

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