> Eric Meyer once said: "JavaScript will save us all".
> I started to effectively work with JavaScript almost a year ago,  
> when I
> discovered the powerful features of jQuery and the DOM.
> I have to say that JavaScript and CSS can work well together,  
> especially
> when dealing with browsers inconsistencies and automating some  
> repetitive
> tasks. Did you know, for example, that with jQuery you can  
> automatically
> clear floats without manually adding the infamous .clearfix class?
> Of course I'm talking about unobtrusive JavaScript, but you get the  
> idea.
> Sometimes on this list I see people who try to fix some problems  
> with long
> and tedious CSS procedures that could be easily solved with a single
> JavaScript
> statement... and in a cross-browser way!
> So here's a little piece of advice: don't fear JavaScript as the  
> boogey-man!
> Try to discover its features, say, rediscover them, and you will see  
> how
> your
> daily work on web sites is greatily improved.

I like javascript too, but I haven't used it for clearing floats and  
suchlike - just fancy sliders etc. As I expected you are being shot  
down for being O/T and rightly so. OK some tedious fixes have other  
seemingly less confusing work arounds but having an understanding that  
websites can work without the use of javascript is a very important  
lesson for all beginners. i feel that only once they have a bit of  
experience and of the pains that can go into coding should they start  
to consider using other methods, and by that point they may have the  
knowledge so that they don't need to. There's also lots of other,  
possibly even more confusing, issues when using javascript such as  
conflicting scripts, load times, what library covers all. You're  
speaking at the beginner and we have mostly all been there and I am  
sure that getting to grips with these issues in CSS is a much better  
course of action than trying to get your head around javascript as well.

You should be humbled by Al Sparber's answer because his company or  
employer Project7 do a lot of work creating neat cross-browser  
javascript apps, and even he is saying that javascript is not the  
answer to the type of issues you referenced.

Sorry to join the list of beat-downs, I wouldn't usually bother but  
you targeted your comments at beginners, and I disagree with them and  
wouldn't recommend this course of action for beginners.

maybe they should do an episode of Sesame Street on the topic? Big  
bird says 'hell no' to javascript fixes, but cookie monster is all  
over it like ... cookies! Big Bird wins and then all the beginners  
have a sing-song.

OK I have officially lost the plot!

Regards, CB
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