On 2010/01/15 08:37 (GMT-0500) Rob Emenecker composed:

>> Abbreviation:  Mr.
>> Acronym:  SCUBA
>> Initialism:  FBI

> I don't see the distinction between acronym (which I understand), and
> initialism (which sounds like a made up word). Both are acronyms. Acronyms,
> depending upon the "coined" usage, is either pronounced as a word or as
> individual letters. The difference in which, is usually (but not always)
> based on whether it has a word form to it. 

> APA ... pronounced A-P-A
> AMPA ... pronounced Am-Pa

> Both are acronyms as far as I am concerned.

> Now, I also disagree with the HTML 5 draft to leave out ACRONYM. It is NOT
> an abbreviation. Not because of pronunciation, but by definition. The pisser
> is that this was a symantec tag that had merit and meaning in STM
> publishing. (STM is an acronym that stands for
> Scientific-Technical-Medical.) Now in most cases, authors in those fields
> define the acronym at first use. This is specified in most writing style
> guides.

This is OT here. OTOH, maybe the HTML5 spec could be changed if this thread
were replicated on the public-html-comments mailing list: http://lists.w3.org/
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