At 2/13/2010 01:29 PM, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
I would like, for design reasons, to float an image
to the bottom-right of a page's content (which will
be textual by the time we reach bottom right).

Although I don't have an immediate solution for your exact problem, I can point to a solution to a similar problem that might lead you in the right direction. This particular implementation requires that you know in advance the distance from the top of the container to the top of the image, so you'd have to modify it significantly for your purposes. You could express that distance in ems but the vagaries of wrap-around would ultimately defeat that in extended text-zoom.

The Wiñay Taki Ayllu website (under development) contains bilingual text in two columns, with images floated centered between them at various distances down the page. The specifics of this complete "floated centered" technique go beyond your question, but here's the core idea for a stand-alone column:

Pairs of objects are floated right: first a one-pixel-wide div and then an image:

<div class="descent"></div>

<div class="image-frame"><img src="example.jpg" alt="example" /></div>

<p>Text begins here...</p>

        clear: right;
        float: right;
        width: 1px;
        height: 200px;
        clear: right;
        float: right;

The descender pushes the image down the desired distance without appearing to occupy noticeable room in the flow.

I hope this gives you some food for thought as you chew this one over...



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.
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