On Mar 4, 2010, at 7:45 AM, Bob Meetin wrote:

> For my purposes, needs in this case, being able to set the background 
> color will fit the bill; it would be nice if font color was valued by 
> all browsers consistently but seeing that it's not, I can "deal" with 
> it. Here is a sample which you can view in the browser of your choice, 
> then compare with the other guy.
> Jukka, can you make up a simple example? I'm not sure what you mean by 
> using the + signs here.

Well, color is not one of those properties that are applied to <col>. If you 
hadn't seen it yet:

Ie 6 and 7 go their own way in this. IE 8 in standards mode behave like other 

> http://dottedi.biz/code/css_styled_table.html (I should call this 
> unsightly example...)

Might be nice to make it a valid example...

Here is your sample, reworked:

with some + goodness.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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