> Bobby: http://www.fiveminuteargument.com/float-container
> Thierry: 
> http://tjkdesign.com/articles/clearing-floats_and_block-formatting_context.asp

Thank you both for the explanations. I think I have a much better idea
why this behavior is necessary as the default. And I have a better
idea on how to handle it.

I must say though, that Thierry's article reintroduced me to the "hell
in a can of worms" known as cross-browser compatibility. Periodically
I make resolutions (of the New Year's variety) to be more
cross-browser compatible. Then I fall into blissful sleep forgetting
about everything other than Firefox and IE7+.

Now at least I have another resource when making fresh attempts to
handle those other browsers properly.

Thanks for the help. Much appreciated.
Claude Needham
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