On 7/04/2010, at 3:30 AM, Tim Snadden wrote:
 > Your message entitled
 > Text indent won't work.
 > Some options I can think of:
 > Try using <input type="image">
 > Try using <button>
 > Graceful degradation for <IE8 (no bg image, no absolute position).

 > By the way, on Firefox 3.6 Mac the button is sitting below the bottom
 > border of the text input.

 > Cheers, Tim

Thank you for the answer. This morning I've found another way for IE7 
and put text-transform: capitalize; into the stylesheet. It works and 
obviously doesn't bother with other browsers. Thank you for pointing me 
to the Firefox-Mac problem. That's the next problem to deal with.

Cheers, Leo
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