On 22/04/2010, at 8:21 AM, David Hucklesby wrote:

> On 4/21/10 12:07 PM, Chris Blake wrote:
>> Hi,
>> http://s318194674.websitehome.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=132&Itemid=1
>> I was trying to apply a white, 50% opaque, background colour to a
>> wrapper via CSS and see what happened! I have no idea CSS could do
>> something like that!
> [...]
>> Here is the css (4 lines!):
>> http://css-tricks.com/css-transparency-settings-for-all-broswers/
> As already suggested, a semi-transparent PNG will work in most  
> browsers,
> with the exception of IE before version 7. You can use a filter for  
> that
> browser.
> You can combine RGBA background-color with an image for older  
> browsers,
> and a filter for IE 5/6 like this:
>  div.wrapper-body {
>     background: url(images/white-50pct-1px.png);
>     background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5);
>  }
>  /* IE 5-6 only */
>  * html div.wrapper-body {
>     background: transparent;
>     filter:
> progid:DXImageTransform 
> .Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#80ffffff,endColorstr=#80ffffff);
>     height: 1%; /* give IE "layout" */
>  }
> Hope this helps.
> Cordially,
> David


Ok everyone, thanks for your help. I have gone for a simple background  
png, and if it's not supported by IE6 and earlier then users should  
update their browser! I've also tried a new, wider than average width,  
so I hope my audience aren't dinosaurs, with fossil computers!

I don't like the way that my site loads, it's probably and is a new  
post but what I want is this image to be loading first. What is the  
best way to do this? It's annoying because the template I am working  
on from reads custom.css last (so that template updates do not affect  
changes) and then module styles (but #page parent overwrites those).  
Maybe I could load it into the header of the html? That's not so easy  
cos it's all database calls (i could do it in drupal, but this is  
Joomla which i am new to). Anyhow I really want to do this so what is  
the best way? I can add it to the first style sheet in the list,  
possibly in the head, but I just don't know.

I will make anew post. Thanks on this one!

Cheers, CB

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