> > I can't seem to figure out how to leave out any images in a pseudo
> element
> > selector for off-site links.  The following blocks the domains fine and
> > attaches to all other outside links (except IE), but sometimes images are
> > linked and need to be excluded.
> >
> > a:not([href^="XXXX.com"]):not([href^="xxxx.com"]):after {
> content:"\279F"; }

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 5:33 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh <e...@l-c-n.com>wrote:

> If I understand correctly, you want those 'external' links to display a
> right-pointing arrow next to the linked text, but those external links that
> contain an image should not have that arrow. Correct ?
> (as always, linking to a minimal test case makes things much easier to
> understand…).
> > Have tried things like:
> >
> > a:after img { content:none !important; }
> >
> >    ..  obviously wrong syntax.  Any suggestions?
> Obviously, that won't work, given the syntax above. The generated content
>  is applied to the link, not the image, child of that link.
> And also note the last paragraph under CSS 2.1:12.1 regarding replace
> elements
> http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/generate.html#before-after-content
> What you'll need to do is append a class to those links that contain an
> image, then write you selector thusly:
> a:not([href^="XXXX.com"]):not([href^="xxxx.com"]):not([class="image-in-link"]):after
> { content:"\279F"; }
> <a href="abcd.com" class="image-in-link"><img src="my-image.png
> alt=""></a>
> CSS has no provisions, to date, to do reverse lookup, of the type
> a:contains(img) or the like. There have been various proposals to the css-wg
> but none worked out so far

Thank you - I knew I had it crooked, though I was hoping to apply without
back adding a class (existing content).

Really appreciate this, it works correctly.

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