On Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:26:19 am Jeff Zeitlin wrote:
> I 'edit' (for loose values of the word 'edit') a monthly PDF magazine.
> When a new issue is released, the articles from the previous issue
> become viewable on the magazine's website.  Currently, I have separate
> screen and print stylesheets for the articles on the web; this is - to
> me - an old technique, and one that works well.
> Right now, the print stylesheet runs the content all the way across the
> page as a single column.  What I'd like to do is have it run the content
> into two columns, such that - like the PDF magazine - you would read
> down the left column, then down the right column, and if the article
> overflows the page, the next page starts again on the left.  Ideally,
> the columns on the last page would be equalized, but I'm perfectly
> willing to not try to do that at this time.
> I'm reluctant to do major hacking on the HTML; I'd prefer to stick to
> just using CSS to do this.  Am I asking for too much at this point?  If
> not, how do I do it?

That depends.  Are you willing to use CSS3 properties which are not supported 
in all browsers yet?  If you are, then CSS can help you.

Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-multicol/
and usage: http://www.css3.info/preview/multi-column-layout/

I haven't tried it in a print stylesheet, but I have used it on actual pages 
and it works reasonably well.

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