Without posting your outline CSS, basic html and/or a link to your site, you 
are not likely to get any help here.  People have to see what you have done to 
get this padding.  It could be the borders around the images or it could be 
your own design style and we can't provide solutions to hypothetical situations.

We haven't got a clue what "step1_content padding and margins" are so you are 
likely to be on your own here.


--- On Fri, 18/6/10, Ed Goodson <e...@copywritecolombia.com> wrote:

> In IE6 I get padding around the black
> images:
> http://tinyurl.com/285yetp
> This is the padding I want to get rid of:
> http://tinyurl.com/286y94m
> It seems like the step1_content padding and margin are
> being ignored?
> How can I fix this and get rid of the padding? Thanks

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