On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Jukka K. Korpela <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi> wrote:
>> http://www.imag3.com/test/
> I don't see what you are aiming at. It seems that you wish to float the
> blockquote but don't actually set anything in CSS on blockquote elements.
> Maybe it would help if you posted a real example URL demonstrating what you
> want, except for "word wrap effect", whatever that means.

At the bottom of the page (http://www.imag3.com/test/  same as
previous URL) there is a sample of the visual effect I am looking for.
However, this is a fragile solution that could break with changes in
font size, length of h1, length of p element etc.

A typical form for a blockquote has an extra inset. In the sample as
shown in the upper part of the example page, there is no left margin
on the h1, p, or blockquote. The only way I know of to simulate the
left margin is to add a margin-right to the floating dive. But this
will give the same apparent left-margin to the h1, p, and blockquote.

I was hoping the blockquote could be treated so that it would be shown
with the little extra indent that is typical for blockquote.

As mentioned by Tim, this problem will also be evident in lists. I was
hoping that any solution here would also transfer to lists.

I am leaning toward "impossible" at the moment. But I have seen folks
on this list contribute css suggestions that were absolutely amazing
to me in my limited css. So, I'm still holding out some hope that
there is a proper solution.

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