Tim Climis wrote:
> On Saturday, July 03, 2010 7:35:47 pm Gail Issen wrote:
>> I hate to show my ignorance. But, I'm not familiar with the tern "webkit
>> browser". I've done a Google search and the results still leave me
>> confused. Would someone please explain the term?
> As Felix explained, there are many browsers (probably hundreds or thousands), 
> but most are based on 4 different rendering engines (Trident, Gecko, Webkit, 
> and Presto).  There are others, but they don't have much usage.
> However, among the browsers with the most usage (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, 
> and Opera), there are two browsers that share the Webkit rendering engine 
> (Chrome and Safari).  Since they share the same engine, they share most of 
> the 
> same bugs and behaviors, so rather than say "I have such and such that works 
> in Safari and Chrome," it just gets shorted to "I have such and such that 
> works in webkit."
> There are other webkit browsers as well (Arora, Epiphany, and coming soon, 
> you 
> can set up Konqueror to use webkit as well, I hear).

It's not a "you can set up Konqueror" to use Webkit. KDE4's Konqueror 
uses Webkit, no other option. The KHTML engine was used up to KDE3.

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