Andy B. wrote:
> I have some questions about creating styles for 3 lines of text that are in
> a div that is 298px wide and 75px tall.
> 1. For each line of text, what container would you use? For an example, p,
> div or span?
> 2. I need to create the styles, but don't quite know where to start.
> Line 1: The text "Eternity Records presents" should:
> - Be horozontally centered in the div containing it.
> - Be black in color.
> - Be on a line all by itself.
> - be significantlly larger than the rest of the text on the page.
> - have it's font-family be sans serif.
> Line 2: The text "In Him" should:
> - Be the color #600000.
> - be the same font as line 1.
> - be horozontally centered in the div below line 1
> - Be on a line all by itself.
> - be 25% smaller than line 1.
> Line3: The text "For in Him we move and live and have our being... (Acts
> 17:28)" should:
> - Be #600000 in color.
> - Be the same font as line 1 and 2.
> - Be horozontally centered in the div below line 2
> - Be on a line all by itself.
> - Be the same font size as the text on the rest of the page.
> How would I make these styles?
For a very rudimentary explanations of different approaches to styling 

My response is germane to using an external style sheet. I would create 
one  "p" selector for properties that are common to all three (if in 
fact there are common properties). I would create three classes, one for 
each line described above.

p {
    add properties here common to all lines;

.plineone {
    add properties unique to line one here;

.plinetwo {
    add properties unique to line two here;

.plinethree {
    add properties unique to line three here;

Use <p class="[insert class name her]"></p> for the content for each 
line. All in all:


    <p class=".plineone">Blah blah blah line one.</p>

    <p class=".plinetwo">Blah blah blah line two.</p>

    <p class=".plinethree">Blah blah blah line three.</p>


The div itself can had an ID or a class, as befits your overall design.

Bill B

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