On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 12:25 PM, David Laakso

> Elizabeth Farley wrote:
>> How can I tweak this website so that the bottom part of the site would be
>> better visible on a widescreen laptop?
>> http://elizabethfarley.web.officelive.com/StoneTheater/index.html
>> Thanks so much,
> I suppose that depends on what you mean by "better visible."
> Personally, I'd think /think/ "white-space." Open it vertically --
> widescreen, or not...
> #wrapper {border:1px solid red;padding-top:50px;}
> #navBar {border:1px solid red;margin-bottom:50px;}
> #mainArea {border:1px solid red;margin-bottom:50px;}
> Best,
> ~d
> --
> http://chelseacreekstudio.com/
I see what you are saying - spread out the elements on a vertical line, but
can I manipulate the css (ie using a percentage like you would on widths) to
make it fluid based on the height of the screen? So that the taller the
screen the more spread out the elements and the shorter the screen the
closer the elements (no scrolling vertically or horizontally)?

Is there a way to do that? Should I be spending more time "googling" this
concept? Sorry if I am asking a question with an obvious answer....

Elizabeth Farley
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