> I think maybe CSS shouldn't change the Dom.

They're not really changing the DOM (at least not IMO).  You can't add tags and 
structure to the HTML with CSS - you can only change the value of text nodes 
(and then, only by adding to them).

>Just trying to understand why they are there.

So you can put presentational characters in your display.  For example, perhaps 
you have a table full of financial data.  And on one page, you want negative 
numbers to be displayed with a - sign, but in another page, you want the same 
numbers displayed in parentheses.  Data hasn't changed - just the presentation.

<span class="negative">200</span>

With css for one page 
.negative:before {content: '-'}

And for the other page,
.negative:before {content: '(';}
.negative:after {content: ')';}

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