On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 10:49:42AM -0400, David Laakso wrote:
> Rick Pasotto wrote:
> >Does IE8 work differently on different versions of Windows?
> >
> >My site ( http://d37tm.org ) doubles the height of the header -- at
> >least on IE8 on XP. I see it in browsershots.com (I think you can see
> >the results at http://browsershots.org/http://d37tm.org/ )
> >
> >The css is:
> >
> >#hdr0 {
> >    position: relative;
> >    height: 140px;
> >    background: url(../images/D37-Full-Header-LessBadge.gif) no-repeat;
> >}
> >
> >I don't see the doubling anywhere else and I'm stumped.
> >
> >BTW, this is a testing URL and will go away in a day or two.
> Try:
> #header { height : 140px;  overflow : hidden; }
> It needs a height and I think the overflow:hidden; encloses all that
> stuff and -- I guess [?] -- establishes a "block formating context."

That fixed it. Thanks. 

"Many marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly
 understood that they're on the same side." -- Zig Zigler
    Rick Pasotto    r...@niof.net    http://www.niof.net
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