On Sep 3, 2010, at 9:23 AM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:

> I have nth child even-odd styling on this page set up as an ID. When I 
> changed this to class so I could set up a second styled section farther down 
> the page the styling broke. Any ideas as to why?
> http://bit.ly/ad7AEl

I don't see any classes that are related in your page / stylesheet.

In principle, it should work, independently of classes vs id. The thing that 
might be tripping you, as Alan alludes, is specificity. You make your selectors 
very specific already. [1]

On Sep 3, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Alan Gresley wrote:

>> Is there something else IE consumes without indigestion that will permit me 
>> to color the background on every second listing in a ul?
>> Cheery Kimi
> For IE7+ this will work. Very cumbersome.
> ul#colored1 li { /* even style */ }
> ul#colored1 li+li { /* odd style */ }
> ul#colored1 li+li+li { /* even style */ }
> ul#colored1 li+li+li+li { /* odd style */ }
> ul#colored1 li+li+li+li+li { /* even style */ }
> ul#colored1 li+li+li+li+li+li { /* odd style */ }

beyond cumbersome :-)

What is wrong with attaching  a class to the li ? Much more efficient on so 
many levels.

li class="alternate-color"

If you can't change the markup, then JS is your friend; David pointed to jquery 
- I've used for  some project to do exactly that, quite efficient.

ul# li {}
     specificity: 102
ul#id li:nth-chil(odd) {}
     specificity: 112
ul.class li:nth-child(odd)
     specificity: 22

Philippe Wittenbergh

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