On Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:39:40 pm Lisa Frost wrote:
> This works much better than fiddling with the top padding on the <p> tag.
> However i don't understand positioning very well apart from floats.
> So just to clarify for me:
> Position relative on the footer div - what's it relative too?

It's relative to where it would be normally.  Since you haven't specified a 
top, left, bottom, or right, it's position doesn't change (which is what we 
want).  But if it doesn't do anything why is it there?

Because absolutely positioned elements are positions relative to their nearest 
positioned ancestor (anything with position: relative, absolute, or fixed.)  so 
when you use the bottom: 0 below it'll be at the bottom of the div, instead of 
the bottom of the <body>.

> Why do we add a 0 on the absolute position.
> Does bottom not mean right at the bottom of the div?

Bottom: 0 means right at the bottom of the div.  Bottom: 15px would mean 15 
pixels above the bottom of the div.  Bottom without a value would be ignored 

---Tim (but a different one)
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