On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Dagmar Noll <dag...@wincog.org> wrote:
> What I'm discovering is that it's not, but I'm having trouble sorting out
> the best way to meet my goal without using Javascript and staying
> compatible.
> I am ok with older browsers not seeing the hover effect, so long as all they
> see is the plain, linked image map (as opposed to some terrible mess).

Unless one of the gurus has a magic way (in which case I'll quickly
lift it, giving credit where due), I can't think of a way to do what
you want off the top of my head with CSS. At least using anything
excluding "CSS 3".

If you have flash experience, or know someone who does, I would
suggest taking the Flash route, and placing the image map info into it
as a fallback if they don't have flash installed. A List Apart has an
excellent article[1] regarding Flash, standards, and at the end
provides a fallback example.

If you don't have experience or the capability, there's always the
fallback to Javascript.

[1] - http://www.alistapart.com/articles/flashsatay

Jack Timmons
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