On Oct 23, 2010, at 8:07 PM, MEM wrote:

> I would love to have a cheat-sheet so that I can see what is the
> default position and display values of elements... :D :D
> :D ?

Have you tried the CSS 2.1 spec ? it has a helpful index.

- :D -

>> And height:100% is not a sure thing ;-)
> So, should we consider other way for giving height to our a elements,
> either then the couple: "height:100%; + display:block;" ?
> ie. line-height + display:block; ?

Height: 100% only works if the height of the parent element is known, as in 
your code snippet:

> Add on:
> #menu li {
> height: 100px;
> width: 200px;
> }

You could of course specify the height of you <a> in something else than %, 
such as height: 300px, etc. to make sure it is tall enough to show your 
background image.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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