Thank you, Theirry. I put a surrounding div around the 2 divs that weren't 
behaving, and stopped the absolute positioning of the one div. Put overflow: 
hidden on the surrounding div and my life is hugely improved. 

Sorry for those excessive clear:both things, I had thrown a bunch of them in 
there for the purpose of just seeing what was happening, and they didn't fix 
anything but I forgot to remove them.

I so appreciate your help in this, it is a great thing for me to be able to ask 
for help and get such expert advice.


>> You may want to rethink your construct.
> After your "homepage_maincontent" box I can count no less than *four*
> elements with "clear:both", but what are they supposed to clear? I can't
> find a float in there...
> You'd be better making the above container a float rather than a absolutely
> positioned div. And even if you do that you can still remove all the
> clear:both in there, as you should be able to contain that float inside
> "#container" via overflow:hidden;zoom:1; or any other new block formatting
> context trigger.
> --
> Regards,
> Thierry
> | | @thierrykoblentz

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