> Now, if  I can just figure out why Mac OS X 10.4 Safari/4.1.2 and the current 
> WebKit nightly are both rendering some images as teeny-tiny thumbnails with 
> js enabled...
> Anyone?

Pretty sure it's caused by max-width declaration in #main img. Not a good idea 
for inline image.

I assume you do this for the consideration of non-optimized mobile web 
(non-optimized as not doing it for the principle of mobile web but the Kool-Aid 
media queries approach); I would do this instead: declare width in the inline 
image, then declare it again in CSS with % and targeting each media query rule 
if needed.


<img width="600px" src="img/008.png" alt="Pomegranate" />

#main img {width:100%}

Actually my experience shows that the above is suffice for all devices long as 
the parent container width is of %, even that annoying Opera Mini plays nice 
with this approach.

Six Limes is very soothing.


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