On Wednesday, November 10, 2010 07:55:43 pm David McGlone wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 10, 2010 07:34:11 pm David McGlone wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I've been working on this layout: (w/screenshots from browsershots)
> > http://www.dmcentral.net/misc and I can't figure out why in IE 8 the
> > whole "body" shifts to the left about 5 pixels and cuts some of the left
> > side off according to browserlab.
> > 
> > In IE 7 according to browserlab the "body" shifts even more to the left
> > than IE8 and also shifts the top bar to the right making it flush with
> > the wrapper. and in IE 6 with browserlab I get a completly blank page.
> > 
> > Finally, with browsershots, IE7 looks correct except the top bar is still
> > shifted to the right. In IE8 I got a completly blank page and in IE6 I
> > get the same behavior as IE 7.
> > 
> > Finally my question. Is there a reason I'm getting this odd behavior with
> > the screenshot services and I've also been wondering if this is a dumb
> > way to do this. It dawned on me I could go with a 4 column layout, but
> > the drawback is in order to get the image at the top to span the whole
> > screen, I'd have to add it to each of the 4 div's. to me it seems
> > unnecessary.
> > 
> > 2nd finally ;-) I can't figure out why this simple layout isn't working.
> After I sent this e-mail, I used browserlab and checked the layout that I
> had uploaded to my website and I am getting the correct behavior in IE 7
> and IE 8, but still getting a blank page with IE 6. :-(
>  I have no idea why my local copy looks like crap. It may have something to
> do with me switching from cable internet to DSL today.

This wasn't the case. I hooked up my cable because they haven't turned it off 
yet and I'm getting the same results.
David M.
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