Hi, I'd be grateful if someone could help me out with this one. I'm using the 
Typepad theme Journal (http://qurl.com/s42g5) on my blog at 
http://www.virtualeconomics.co.uk. I've just started using CSS to customise 
theme - taking off the indent, changing the font, very basic stuff (see 
http://qurl.com/q2zb3). On every post there's a background image 
(http://qurl.com/4dg99) that appears under the title. It seems to be added in 
the entry-header h3, but I can't find where in the source code or the 
the image is coming from so I can't work out how to remove it from posts. 
Needless to say, I want rid of it. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Seamus McCauley

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