On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 12:23 PM, David Hucklesby <huckle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/16/10 10:28 AM, Chetan Crasta wrote re: http://fattoad.co.uk/
>> Give div#inner_wrap a height of around 1100px. The testimonial is
>> getting cutoff because the height of 1015px is insufficient.
> FWIW I generally find that "min-height" works better than plain "height"
> in a majority of cases. (And "height" behaves like "min-height" in
> IE 6...)
> Cordially,
> David
> --

I hope it is okay to fork this discussion. (didn't want to disturb the
original thread)

Reading David's response I realize that I vastly under use min-height.
I would like to correct that and start using it in appropriate

For the life of me I can't recall why I shied away from min-height a
few years back. I started to use it. But, ran into some trouble and an
article or two that somehow convinced me that I was better off trying
to make due without it.

That was then, this is now. I am hoping that someone might be able to
point to a good source of info on proper use of min-height so that I
don't open a can of worms with cross-browser issues or other gotchas.

Claude Needham
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