At 11:21 +1100 on 01/10/2011, Andrew Cunningham wrote about Re: [css-d] Font-face, alignment issue similar to images:

Nancy, you are mixing encodings within a document. If you do want to
use a character rather than an image, you should use the appropriate
Unicode character, considering the website is UTF-8: U+260E

Look for a font that has this character. It will also allow browsers
on various operating systems to sue font fallback mechanisms if the
browser can't use web fonts.

By giving a number of font families you should be able to list one that will be on the user's machine. ITC Zapf Dingbats (or Zapf Dingbats) along with Arial Unicode would seem to insure that one is in the list for Windows and Macintosh. Wingdings is on the machines also (although I am not sure if it is Unicode Mapped). Linux is a separate issue but I think that there is a list of common fonts that might help.

Bob Rosenberg
RockMUG Webmaster
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