On Tue, 11 Jan 2011 13:32:38 +0000, Anne Pennington wrote:

| I have just returned to the list after a break of about 10 months and  
| immediately have a question to ask.
| I am working on a site that required a fixed background image in a  
| div, as well as one on the page background - the page background is  
| not so important.
| The site in progress is :
| http://www.mauricerowdon.org/site/
| and an example of the page which requires fixed  div is
| http://www.mauricerowdon.org/site/fiction.htm
| I am using :
| <style type="text/css">
| #content {
| background: url(images/mr_big.png);
| background-position:bottom right;
| background-repeat: no-repeat;
| background-attachment:fixed;
| min-height:700px;
| height:auto !important;
| }
| </style>
| But as you will be able to see, the image position is fine vertical,  
| but the horizontal position relates to the page, not the div, so moves  
| when you resize the page.

Seems only to be broken in IE.

I used a variation of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/fixedBackground.html to
get this working on my website.
David Postill
Dance your Life - Biodanza in Holland - <http://www.danceyourlife.eu>
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