I am having a (very frustrating) problem of an apparent non-working float
within an @media tag.


The site is a photography gallery site with a main photo div and a
right-hand vertical column of thumbnail images in default landscape mode.
When viewing the site in portrait mode, such as rotating the iPad 90-degrees
to vertical, I’m using the declaration:


@media only screen and (orientation: portrait)


                        /* modified id’s and classes for portrait mode go
here */



This works fine, the issue/problem is when the iPad is rotated to portrait
the right-hand vertical column of thumbnails should move to become a
horizontal-row below the main photo.  This should be accomplished by a
simple float: left declaration.  However, the float does not appear to be
working—or at least it won’t work for me.  The thumbnails move to below the
main photo, but they remain as a vertical column.


Such as: 


#thumbnails ul


      float: left;

      margin: 0;

      padding: 0;





I have tried “everything” –except the correct solution—so far and with every
change I make the column of thuimbnails remains vertical and will not go to


The temp version of ths site is at:

The css is at: http://studiokaufman.com/site/css/SK_004_Base.css

The @media portrait mode declarations are located about ¾’s of the way down
and are marked as:

/* iPad mode */ 
@media only screen and (orientation:portrait){


If you don’t have an iPad handy, if you have a sufficently large monitor you
can simply re-size the browser window to a portrait aspect ration and the
(orientation:portrait) declarations will come into play.



As somebody wise once said: the obvious is often the most un-obvious. If
anyone out there can help me see the obvious it would be greatly









www.StudioKaufman.com <http://www.studiokaufman.com/> 


Los Angeles 


"What  is the distance between the eyes and the soul?" 

Fortune Cookie


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