On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Felix Miata <mrma...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> This thread got me to investigating a little.
> http://fm.no-ip.com/Auth/Font/fonts-weightier.html should show at least some
> readers that weights lighter than 400 do exist in at least a couple of
> commonly available families, one of which is free and available to all, and
> installed by default on most Linux systems.

Interesting test.
On my Ubuntu system, Chrome 9 and Opera 11 did not render the DejaVu
100 text -- it was as if only normal and bold existed. However,
Firefox rendered the typeface correctly -- DejaVu 100 was used for
weights 100 to 300.

Dunno why it didn't work in Chrome 9 and Opera 11, seems to be a bug.

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