

First of all, I'd like to say that I'm awful sorry for the flames and my stupid behavior on my last post on IE.
I'd like to apologize with people that may have felt offended by me.
I got a serious attitude problem, plus I'm Italian... so you got my picture: an impulsive, immature, spoiled guy. :-)



I was wondering if it was possible to apply the same CSS techniques of fluid image galleries to video galleries. I just made this test:


Btw, do you know some server-side script to speed up the video rendering? It's very slow, though I've used the same file 4 times. :-(

<object> behaves like a friendly inline-block, replaced element, as usual, but you have to specify the width and height attributes to make it appear on the page without styles. Further, styles have no effect if you don't use these attributes. As such, <object> differs greatly from <img>... so I frankly asked myself what was the point of XHTML 2.0 of having something like this:

<object data="image.jpg" type="image/jpeg" />

Anyway, as always, criticisms, suggestions are welcome!

HTH :-)

Gabriele Romanato

http://www.css-zibaldone.com/test/  (English)
http://www.css-zibaldone.com/articles/  (English)
http://onwebdev.blogspot.com/  (English)

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