This is awesome! :-)

On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Alan Gresley <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have for years been smashing down barriers concerning CSS. This may have
> been on this mailing list or on www-style (CSS WG). I came into this realm
> of human endeavor just when CSS3 was starting to be implemented by Safari 2
> or 3 (back in 2008). My early CSS was an attempt at creating depth of field
> with basic CSS2.1 or CSS3 (box-shadow was in CSS2).
> I started playing with CSS animations early this year. I did some basic
> demos that had things moving but I kept on seeing visions of virtual 3D
> space. This I find exciting since it breaks the notion that things can only
> be perceived as happening only on a 2D plane (x and y axis) with just depth
> of field to create an illusion of space by z-index or normal painting order.
> With CSS3 3D transforms and CSS3 animation one can create virtual 3D space
> my moving, scaling, skewing, rotating or translating things on the x, y and
> z axises (not indexes). There is also this marvelous aspect of CSS3
> animation call perspective.
> Below is a link to my new demo. It works in Safari, iPad or iPhone. It uses
> CSS3, HTML, SVGs and one PNG. If you want it to be interactive, you must
> enable JS. Using the controls (the only part with JS), selecting random
> sideways movement buttons (left, center and right) and the jump buttons
> quickly can result in some amazing spinning. I could use pure CSS3
> animations using @keyframes to do similar but I believe the fun is being
> able to interact with such a demo.
> Moving on, the demo.
> I will in future put demos of this nature on this domain.
> Enjoy and be inspired. I can only show you the door. You're the one that
> has to walk through it. :-)
> --
> Alan
> Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo
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