On 4/25/11 1:00 PM, Neil Hunt wrote:
I am trying to do the following: (1) Create a menu<ul>  where the
"home" button does not appear on the "home page."  I added css to
make the display property=none for the "home" button on the home page
using the id's for the page(body), menu(ul) and menu item(li). See
code below... (2) Change color of menu items<li>  depending on the
page you are on. For example, on page 1, the page 1 button would be a
different color that the rest of the menu items. My attempts at css
formatting for this are ignored by the browser.

If I understand you correctly, you want a consistent menu structure on
every page, but want to style the current page item differently?

If so, perhaps you can replace the A element with something else, just
for that one item? Personally, I use a STRONG element (to emphasize "You
Are Here") and give it the same display, padding, etc as the links, but
apply the "here" colors to the STRONG element.

That's assuming you don't want to link to the page you are already on... :)


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