On May 12, 2011, at 6:42 PM, Lesley Lutomski wrote:

> Thanks for testing.  That's really weird, because I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 with 
> FF4.0.1 and there's no letter displayed. 
> <http://www.islaywebdesign.co.uk/images/dropcap.png>
> I realise there's an easy fix by deleting the ChromaSSK font, which isn't 
> widely available, but I would like to understand why there's a problem in the 
> first place, so I can avoid it in future.

I've no idea, offhand, what the problem might be. If you open the error console 
in Firefox, does it log an error ?
Does it work with a very simple testpage:
<!doctype html>
<style> p {color: blue; font-family: 'ChromaSSK', sans-serif;}</style>
<p>This is a test, the text should be displayed using ChromaSSK</p>

Maybe Fx rejects the font for some reason ?

Philippe Wittenbergh

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