Apologies for the initial top post. Running too fast.

Michael, many thanks for the explanation, it has served to open some insights about the difference between generated and server code, which I had not understood clearly.


On 6/2/2011 6:55 PM, Michael Geary wrote:
It's an easy mistake to make.

Remember that CSS is a browser-side language, just like HTML and JavaScript. The code you're looking at on your server is not CSS code - it's a template (or PHP code, or whatever) that your server uses to *generate* HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The browser doesn't see any of that server code. It doesn't know about PHP or those substitution variables or anything like that. All it sees is the final output.

So if you're troubleshooting CSS, look at the generated CSS, not the server code. Use View Source or other browser tools so that you see what the browser is seeing. Then if something is amiss, you can refer back to the server template or code that generated your CSS.


(top-posted for consistency with the existing thread)

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Bill Braun <bbr...@hlthsys.com <mailto:bbr...@hlthsys.com>> wrote:


    Pulled the trigger just a minute too soon. It was defined in
    another file using the str_replace() function. At least I assume
    this is where it is defined. It looks like this:


    I have not yet tracked down the other variables.

    Bill Braun

    On 6/2/2011 5:57 PM, Bill Braun wrote:

        I am working with a style sheet that makes wide use of this

         border-style: solid;
         border-color: <LOGOCOLOR>;
         background-color: <BGCOLOR>;

        I have done a good deal of searching on CSS sites without
        finding anything that addresses this. I assume that the
        brackets refer to a previously defined value, but I thus far I
        don't have any idea where to look.

        Any suggestions?

        Bill Braun

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