On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 14:54, Brian Kardell <bkard...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh I see - I think I misread... Sorry :)  But yes, I think the idea would
> still be to use visited somehow.  I don't think that what is described here
> would necessarily work though - would it? I mean, if the one clicked were
> on
> the right, it wouldn't really have any visible impact (it would just grow
> out of the viewable area and be clipped).  I think you would have to also
> position it and lay it on a higher layer to hide it.
Based on my testing in Firefox 4, and this article[1], it seems that you are
extremely limited in what can reliably be styled using the :visited
pseudo-class. Just about any mechanism which would work for this use-case
would be, or should be, blocked by browsers that are trying to plug the
history leak.  My recommendation is to use Javascript to make these changes.
Or, just don't worry about it.


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