I'm having a problem overriding styles in a div id #wrapper, that contains 
column divs. I want to override the ID background style with a class to create 
a 2 column layout template instead of 3, and am having no luck. I assigned a 
class of .2col to the #wrapper of my template, and styled accordingly, swapping 
out a background image and changing the margins of the #content div to 
eliminate the right margin. It isn't working ... 

Here's the link to the page:


I then wrote css as follows:

.2col#content {  /*this selector overrides the normal content margins for any 
layout with no right side column */
        margin: 0 0 0 200px;

.2col#wrapper { 
        background: #fff url(../images/website/wrapper_bg_2col.gif) 
repeat-y;/*creates faux column appearance for two-column layout*/

Here's a link to the style 

Thanks for any help that can be provided! I am obviously overlooking something.

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