Am 09.07.11 09:32, schrieb Chris Blake:
> Hey,
> I am making a website that will be in two languages, English and
> Chinese. I am going to use my own webfonts but the font I am using for
> the English side doesn't have Chinese variations. I have found another
> font for the Chinese and was wondering if I can have more than one
> custom font e.g.
> #quotes h4{
> color: #3B7E71;
> font-family: 'englishfont', 'chinesefont', Arial, sans-serif;
> font-size: 18px;
> }

This fallback does not work for *single characters* in the font.

Your font-family declaration tells the browser to use "chinesefont" if "englishfont" is not available/can not be loaded *as a whole*.

Instead, you might want to mark up your page with appropriate language attributes e.g.:

<html lang="zh-tw">
<div id="quotes">


<html lang="en">
<div id="quotes">
<h4>Hello world</h4>

In your style sheet you could then say:

html:lang(zh-tw) #quotes h4 {
  font-family: 'chinesefont', Arial, sans-serif;

html:lang(en) #quotes h4 {
  font-family: 'englishfont', Arial, sans-serif;

ta-da, a simple, language-based style switcher.

hope this helps,


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