On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Bobbi Ashley <roberta.ash...@comcast.net>wrote:

> Let me preface this with I am certainly not knowledgeable with website
> writing.
> At http://www.oneafricasafaris.com/index4.html I have a brown, yellow
> bordered strip that is supposed to contain a menu.  BUT:
> I can't get the menu centered.
> In Firefox the text in the container beneath the strip is centered (left
> aligned) but in Chrome and IE it is not.
> I have stared at this page for 2 days now and still don't know what to do.
>  I would like
> 1.  The strip to be narrow without the jaggedness around the menu.
> 2.  The text underneath to be placed in the center of the page and left
> aligned.
> Can anyone help this fool?

First things first, Be sure your CSS and HTML validate by W3 standards. Just
peeking at your code I can see a few simple syntax mistakes. You can
validate your page at http://validator.w3.org/unicorn/.
If there are errors (which I've already attempted to validate it, and there
were errors), Fix them before attempting to solve any display issues. Before
the HTML/CSS is valid, any browser rendering is inherently random.

Hope this helps,


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