On Aug 4, 2011, at 11:11 PM, Milano wrote:

> Hi, I was wondering if it's possibel to hide the tag body and, after this,
> show some tag (eg. a div) inside the body element.
> After testing I'm quite sure It doesn't work by using "normal" ways.

If you hide the whole <body>, all its descendants will be hidden and can't be 
made visible.
> The problem: I have a page with various tags. In the printed version, only a
> div will be printed. I know how to hide all the other elements, by using
> their ids, but maybe there is another way.

@media print {
body > * { display: none; }
body > #myveryspecialdiv { display: block; }

Or something like that ?

Philippe Wittenbergh

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