On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 7:35 AM, Tim Climis <tim.cli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The 2nd paragraph ("The principal areas ... ) has had a 0 margin
>> applied, but still displays a gap.
> Because that's an OL (not a UL).  The CSS isn't selecting them.  You
> can edit it like this:
> p { margin-bottom: 0}
> p + ul, p + ol { margin-top: 0}
> p + ul + li, p + ol + li {margin-top: 0}
> ---Tim

I've been meaning to ask, how robust is the cross-browser
compatibility of the "+" feature?
Your solution above is a good one. But, I have limited experience with
whether or not there are cross-browser issues with this. Can I expect
all browsers to properly work with this?

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