Hi all,
I've just remade the default layout of my blog at http://onwebdev.blogspot.com/ . Comments are welcome. I'm not interested in tech comments, such as IE testing or browser compatibility, but only in your impressions.

thanks :-)

ps. @David Laakso: The base font size now is pure 100%, 1em, whatever. Pure Arial. Now you can't comment this email with your usual remark on font size! :-D (yep, I got this bad habit of lowering the font size in 2009 or so... :-) ).

pps. sorry for my silence, but I got a lot of work to do on a Zend- based web app. :-)


http://www.css-zibaldone.com/test/  (English)
http://www.css-zibaldone.com/articles/  (English)
http://onwebdev.blogspot.com/  (English)

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